My Energy Healing Journey…
My Introduction to Energy Healing
My name is Marina Valle and in mid 2011, I found myself incredibly drained emotionally and physically to the point where there were days that I didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. I made a doctor’s appointment with a doctor who practiced both eastern and western medicine, and when she asked me what was wrong, I burst into tears. I didn’t know how to describe how I was feeling other than to say that I didn’t feel like myself and my energy felt off.
At the end of my appointment, she ordered some bloodwork and also mentioned to me her sister. “I don’t usually recommend this to my general practice patients, but you’ve mentioned your energy about 20 times. My sister is an energy healer and I think she can really help you.”
I had no idea what energy healing was, but to hear that there was someone who could fix my energy, I was 100% interested. I started seeing my energy healer and she began to work with me to identify energetic and emotional blocks that were making me feel stuck mentally and physically.
Soon after, I was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia, and I am absolutely certain that I would not have been able to face or get though my cancer journey without her guidance and preparation. From accepting the diagnosis to facing the endless doctor’s appointments, procedures and treatment, energy healing allowed me to process my fears, anxieties, anger and other negative energies and emotions to create a space of healing and calm in my body.
It taught me how to process heavy emotions so that they don’t end up creating energetic blocks to weigh me down. By the time I walked into the hospital for my 24/7 chemotherapy treatment, I was fully prepared emotionally and physically to face it.
In doing my energy healing work, I also began to recognize patterns I had in my life of not fully processing or facing traumatic experiences. When my mom fell ill and passed away a few years later, I leaned on my energy healer to help me face all the emotions that come with losing a loved one, especially a parent.
As difficult as it was, it was also the best thing for me to have done to deal with my mother’s passing. It has allowed me to shed the overbearing emotions of her loss and fully embrace the heart lifting love that comes with memories of her. That doesn’t mean I don’t have moments of sadness when I think of my mother. I do, but they don’t weigh me down or stop me in my tracks. And that would not have been possible without energy healing.
My Journey as an Energy Healer
The year after my mother’s passing was one of the most difficult of my life. Not only did I miss her immensely, but for the first time in my life, I was facing traumatic events and emotions head on with the help of my energy healer.
My friends would ask me how they could help or if there was anything that they can do for me. I don’t know why I was so drawn to this idea, but I would reply that all I wanted was to go to Haiti and volunteer at an orphanage.
My whole life I have been fascinated by the smiles of the people of Haiti. One of the poorest countries in the world, yet the smiles on Haitian faces that I saw in photos would always warm my heart. The idea of going there to help other motherless girls somehow made my heart smile.
Two years after my mom passed away, I saw a post on Facebook from one of my work friends from NYC. It was the most beautiful picture of young Haitian girls smiling. She had posted it after her volunteer trip to Haiti to work in an orphanage.
I immediately reached out to her and asked her how I can be of help to them and how I too can go volunteer in Haiti. Before I knew it, I was collecting clothing and fundraising for the girls and had 8 full duffel bags ready for my first trip to Haiti with my friend. Four days before our trip, my friend called to tell me she couldn’t go because of a family emergency. Since she had all the connections and made all the arrangements, I asked her if I could still go and she said they were waiting for me.
Meeting those 28 girls and the women and gentleman who run the orphanage was a life changing moment. I spent my days there coloring, singing, doing arts and crafts, holding sharing circles for the girls to tell me and each other more about themselves. I had one on one time with them to talk about school, life and family. I developed a special bond with the girls as a group and individually and became for them the mentor/sister/mother figure they needed.
When I returned, I had a session with my energy healer to share with her stories and pictures from my trip. Then I said to her that I would love to do for the girls in Haiti what she has done for me. She immediately replied, “You already have.” She then invited me to join her training courses because she felt it was time for me to step into the role of healer that she sensed in me. I’ve been studying with her ever since and have also studied Reiki and am a certified life coach through the Integrative Wellness Academy.

What People Are Saying
“Marina and her magic came to me at a time in my life that I needed it the most. I had done breath and energy work prior, but it never felt completely genuine.”
— A.M.
“Marina goes beyond energy work, she is a natural coach. You leave her session recharged and motivated.”
— E.O.
“I was feeling scattered and anxious before my session. I became more balanced, centered and calm during the session and it left me feeling renewed and inspired.”
— M.A.
“I had felt so heavy for so many months, grieving the loss of a loved one. She created a safe space for sharing and healing that gave me a sense of security.”
— M.P.
“My session with Marina was so healing, allowing me to release and let go of things that were no longer serving me and giving me a sense of security when it was over.”
— K.P.
“She is a healer and a therapist who knew exactly how to get to the root of my emotional pain. I am truly grateful that she was put into my path for my healing.”
— P.R.
“I felt such a warming energy of understanding and empath. Once the healing work began, I finally had the emotional breakthrough I had been wanting to achieve.”
— J.R.
“She's not only a healer but a cleanser, therapist, empath and everything you could want bundled into one beautiful human being.”
— A.R.